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Friday, March 12, 2010

Invasion of Earl

by Noah Koehler, Ben Koehler, and Preston Horvath

Commander Gumpwills: We must take it by force. There is no other way. They won't agree with you.

Frank: We need to negotiate. They MUST agree with me.

Commander Gumpwills: They won't though. You've never met them.

Captain Rifo: Why are you guys arguing about how to take the planet when there is a giant minefield in front of us?

Frank: Well, if you're as good a pilot as you think you are then we shouldn't have to worry about it.

Captain Rifo: I did get 50,000 stars for best pilot, but no one could get through this minefield without extreme skill.

Commander Gumpwills: Why don't we just blast the mines out of the way?

Captain Rifo: We have enough ammo.

Frank: But that would be seen as an act of aggression!

[A worker arrives]

Worker: Your landing strip is ready.

To be continued...

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